Clap & Snap Plywood Containers

Clap & Snap Containers make the most versatile group of products of our company, they are also the only in its kind innovative solution in the area of industrial packaging.

We produce them in sizes requested by the client, aiming at individual needs and use – using our experience of many years.

After a few uses they bring vital savings compared to disposable packaging. Buckles made of elastic steel are used as closing elements, thanks to which they can be assembled and disassembled single-handedly without any tools. Depending on the use and load, we make them of plywood or OSB of different thickness. These containers proved themselves in different variations in the Automotive Industry and other areas where transport of heavy loads is of vital importance.

Clap & Snap Plywood Containers


Lower costs! After a few uses they bring vital savings compared to disposable packaging.

More time! Fast assembly without any tools, no need to use electricity or compressed air.

High stability! Thanks to the use of plywood of at least 18mm thickness as well as the glue resistant to weather conditions.

Versatile usage! Containers are made practically in any size.

Simple packing! While the container is partially assembled, with an open side and/or head wall.

Saving space in a warehouse! Containers may be disassembled and stored taking very little of the storing space.